Open Floor Workshops with Ingrid Rose
I teach OPEN FLOOR dance workshops in Auckland and around the country.
If you’re interested in bringing a dance workshop to your community, please get in touch.
Upcoming Workshops
Saturday 14 November, 11am - 5pm, Blockhouse Bay Boatclub
In these times of challenge and change our nervous-system may revert to old patterns of survival, such as shut down or panic. More then ever we need embodied resources to stay present and remind us of our interconnectedness.
We are offering a creative space and movement resources that support us to receive, explore, play, move and engage with whatever emerges from moment to moment.
Let yourself be surprised by what unfolds in the group as we touch each other in our aliveness!
For more details and to register see event flyer
Hamilton — May 2021
— more information will follow
Conscious Dance Aotearoa — 20 - 23 nOVEMBER 2020
I will be teaching at Conscious Dance Aotearoa, an annual interdisciplinary dance gathering held in Nelson.
This is my latest Therapy in Motion offering in Auckland throughout 2020.
Find out more.
Due to unprecedented changes during 2020, the final group retreat on 21 November will be replaced by a One-day workshop on SATURDAY 14 NOVEMBER - open to every-body!
ALIVENESS - REMEMBERING our BELONGING - details above and on the event flyer