Are you looking to better resource yourself
to face changes in your life?
Sometimes we can feel overwhelmed with life and the challenges we face on an individual and global level. This may be a time when reaching out for support is the best way to take care of ourselves and those around us.
Hi — I’m Ingrid Rose.
I support people to become better resourced to deal with the inevitable changes of life.
I am a qualified Psychotherapist, Therapy-in-Motion practitioner, SHEN® therapist, and certified teacher of Open Floor dance.
And above all, I am a human being.
My therapy practice is based in Central Auckland, on Waiheke Island, and online. I offer movement classes, groups and workshops in Auckland and further afield.
Get in touch if you’d like to discuss how we can work together.
“Life is constant motion. Resisting it causes pain. Learning to Move with it eases tension and invites a sense of joy and freedom”
Ingrid Rose

I have a specific interest and passion for working with people who experience major crises or life changes that bring about a process of transformation. Given the right support, these situations can be an opportunity to become more resourceful, to integrate a stronger sense of self, and to regain a sense of belonging with a greater whole. I also enjoy working with people who have diverse cultural, ethnical and social backgrounds and being an immigrant myself, I relate to the process of migration.
I offer one-on-one therapy sessions that may include techniques of mindfulness, body-awareness, art, and creative movement alongside my professional background in Psychodynamic Psychotherapy. Each session is tailored to the individual or couple. My focus with all clients is to support them to uncover their own innate wisdom. My approach is based on a holistic understanding, which integrates body, mind, soul and spirit as part of our human experience and identity.
I am trained in Therapy in Motion, a therapeutic movement-based healing method which translate issues and experiences into embodied language. Combining movement with talking can increase the depth and effectiveness of therapeutic interventions, as well as offer creative resources to build resilience in daily life. Movement sessions and workshops are available one-on-one and for groups.
I also offer SHEN® therapy sessions for both adults and children. SHEN is a hands-on physio-emotional release therapy that helps release emotional blockages from recent or past trauma. I offer SHEN® sessions in Auckland CBD on a Wednesday and Thursday and on Waiheke Island.
Wellbeing begins by
getting in touch
with our bodies

My passion for dance and movement has led me to train as an Open Floor dance and movement teacher. I currently offer Dance classes and workshops in and around Auckland.